To post to Facebook using Facebook Live to broadcast live to your followers, you must do the following:
1.- First, log in with your Facebook account and generate a Live event . Then get a posting point and password from Facebook:
2.- Then you must configure Elemental . For this you must locate the job previously configured for RTMP publications to Facebook Live:
From the "pencil" icon, proceed with the editing of the job, which must be in the "pending" state to enable the edition:
3.- Then in the job you must change the Stream Name for the Stream Key that Facebook delivers.
The section where the parameter to be modified is located is the following:
Output Groups -> “Adobe RTMP” tab -> Output “Stream 1”
4.- To finish save the changes by clicking on the Update + button , start the transmission from Facebook Live and restart the Job.
- The only resolution sent to Facebook Live is 1280 x 720.
- The bitrate set for the only resolution is the one set for the highest quality.
- At the end of transmissions of this type, the Facebook Live signal must first be stopped and then the job on the encoder.
- When the job is transmitting correctly, it is displayed in green. Orange or red colors indicate that the configuration is not done correctly.
If you have any related questions please do not hesitate to write to us through the chat.
Atte. The Mediastream Team