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Analytics Now Module

Analytics for our clients What information can I find? We explain it in this article

Miguel Giraldo avatar
Written by Miguel Giraldo
Updated over 3 years ago

We explain our analytics module. It is important to consider that the metrics provide information on the consumption made by users in our player.

Before we proceed with the overview of the module and its applications, we invite you to watch the video below:

Note: Change in Device Metrics, now includes active users and not only those who started a playback in the selected time range (You can still see the old value by clicking on the new/old button).

Search Engine (Filters)

This is located at the top of the interface, from here you can filter according to your information needs, it is divided into:

1 - Date Search: here you can filter your search for analytics by a certain period. Clicking on the bar opens a box from which you can create the corresponding filter.

2 - Advanced: here you can make a comparison with similar blocks in the same schedule, except for the previous period that filters by hours.

  • Previous period, is the block by hours immediately preceding the performed filter, e.g., if you select 7:00 - 9:00, the previous comparative block corresponds to the time between 5:00 and 7:00.

  • Previous day, is the selected block of the previous day.
    e.g., if you filter from 7:00 - 9:00 of 2021-12-01, the comparative block will be from 7:00 to 9:00 of 2021-11-30.

  • Previous week, is the corresponding block from the previous week.
    e.g., if you filter from 7:00 - 9:00 of 2021-12-01, the comparative block will be 7:00 to 9:00 of 2021-11-25, just 7 days before.

  • Previous month, block for the previous month.
    e.g., you select from 7:00 - 9:00 on 2021-12-01, the comparative block will be from the previous month 7:00 to 9:00 on 2021-11-01.

  • Previous year, makes the comparison at the same time and date of the previous year.

Likewise, comparisons can be made by selecting weekly calendar ranges such as by day, all week, only weekday or only weekend, as well as by selecting a specific day.

3 - Search by criteria: in this one you can filter the metrics according to the criteria of what you want to filter, categories, specific content, regions, devices, etc.


It shows in a general way the statistics related to all the content of the account, it is divided into the following sections:

A. Overview

  • Stream: Equivalent to the count of reproductions that have passed at least 5 seconds of continuous consumption, it is only measured on the implemented players.

  • Time: Represents the sum of all consumed minutes.

  • Devices: Count of unique devices.

  • Playback start: The number of content requests made by an autoplay or a play.

  • Conversion Rate: show the % range between playback starts and streams, for example, considering the image above, from the 22,620 playback starts, 19,233 became streams, the latter amount being equivalent to 85.03%.

  • Downloads: Content Downloads.

B. Timeline

This Overview section shows the metrics corresponding to the number of streams over the filtered time, as well as the number of devices in the same range, the difference is that stream is the total number of reproductions and devices are the unique devices that consumed the content.

Prev Ondemand y Prev Live: allow you to compare the current Live/Ondemand with the previous data whether it is hours, day, month or year.

C. Devices

This section shows the number of devices according to the type of content in a ring type graph, and shows the consumption for Ondemand (Media), Live and On demand & Live, the latter referring to devices that consume both types of content.

D. Top Content

En este apartado, se despliega toda la información referente al contenido destacado, se muestran clasificados por contenido (Lives, Media y Categoría) y ordenados acorde a la cantidad de streams. generados.


  • Time (minutos): Corresponds to the total time consumed by all users.

  • Time Average (minutos: Corresponds to the average time per reproduction (general), i.e., each user reproduced "X" amount of time, this section shows the average of these X amounts (does not apply in app).

Medias (AOD/VOD)

It has the same parameters as the top content in Live, plus the following

  • Duration (minutes): The duration in minutes of the media.


It shows a top 20 of available categories and, in addition to the parameters of Top Content Live & Media, the following ones are available:

  • Duration Average (minutes): DAverage duration of the media in the category. If a user consumes a fragmented media, the average time of consumption is the one shown in this parameter.

  • Medias: Equivalent to the number of averages related to the category.

E. Devices

  • Stream by Devices: Counts the content consumption according to the type of device.

  • Stream by OS: Counts consumption by Operating System

  • Stream by Property: It counts the consumption from where the request was generated (player). Note: Property is a name that identifies from which player the content consumption is being generated, this is set from Settings>Players.

  • Unique device: shows the percentage of unique devices by type. Unlike stream by devices, this parameter only counts the number of devices that consumed the content, not the number of streams. For example, if a user consumes a content from a tablet, but leaves at a certain time and comes back an hour later, this section counts that single device, but in stream by devices it counts 2 streams.

F. Referrer

Shows a top 5 of the urls where the content was most consumed by users.

  • Percent: Equivalent to the percentage of consumption by users in each Referrer

G. Geography

  • Country: shows in descending order, the countries from which the content was most consumed.

  • Stream Percent: Equivalent to the percentage of user consumption by country.


From this tab of the module, you will be able to visualize only the statistics referring to the VOD/AOD content, you have to keep in mind that some filters of the search engine do not apply.

The following information is displayed in overview::

  • Stream: number of streams in relation to the playback start.

  • Time: sum of all minutes consumed.

  • Devices: unique devices.

  • Playback start: play and autoplay content requests.

  • Average Device By Minute: corresponds to the average consumption of the devices per minute, the following rules are followed according to the filter performed::

    • If less than 6 hours are selected, the calculation is done per minute..

    • If 6 hours to 7 days are selected, the calculation is made per hour.

    • If more than 7 days are selected, the calculation is made per day.

A graphic is displayed showing the equivalence between requests (playback start) and reproductions (Stream). In addition to the comparative regarding the filter performed, to the right of it, you can see the number of streams and the consumption time.

  • Playback Start: These are the content requests made by an autoplay or play.

  • Stream: It is the reproduction of content that has exceeded at least 5 seconds.

  • Prev Playback Start: allows you to compare the current Playback Start with the data of the previous block either hr, day, month.

  • Prev Stream: allows you to compare the current Stream with the data of the previous block either hr, day, month.


This section shows the ranking of the most consumed media during X period of time.


Here the top 20 of the most viewed categories are displayed again

  • Duration Average: Average time of duration of media associated to the category.

  • Medias: Total number of media associated with the category.


Note: This section allows you to analyze the performance in relation to a Media. It is important that when applying the filters, the media to verify has to be selected.

  • Playback Start by Duration: shows the percentage of requests according to the range of duration (minutes), displayed in a pie chart and in a table.

  • Retention: refers to the total number of reproductions and their permanence by specific sections of the content.

  • Engagement: It is related to the sections of interest within the content.

Graph axes:

  • X-axis is "% of content" for Retention and Engagement.

  • Y-axis (Retention in %): referring to the amount of users that consumed that specific media.

  • Y-axis (Engagement in %): refers to the total time that could be consumed within that section..

Example to understand the graph in the image above


  1. 100% of the users who view the content started from the beginning (although it sounds "logical", this is not always the case).

  2. 20% (because it decreased from 100% to 80%) of the users who saw that content left when they saw 20% of the content.

  3. Then, there is a disinterest (they disengage from playback) before reaching 80% of the content.

  4. 30% of users viewed the content in its totality.


  1. Users are fast-forwarding the first (seconds or minutes) of the content.

  2. Particularly, it is not seen a media that has "interesting" sections, the people who visualize it have a certain constancy.


Displays the statistics of all Live signals, including events in a certain period of time and lives 24/7.

The same overview parameters are applied as those displayed in media; the top content of lives is also displayed (unless a specific one has been filtered).


Displays live performance statistics, divided into 2 parts:

  • Playback Start by Time Interval: is the percentage of playback starts per time interval (minutes) of the live signal, for example: in this case (graph) 63.22% of the playback starts occurred within the first 10 minutes and 15.47% started the live consumption after the first hour.

  • Resolution: percentage of consumption per resolution, according to the live configuration in platform (medialive, rtmp, mediapackage)


The concurrency is the number of people consuming the content within a range of one minute, it is always displayed in real time unless a specific filter is performed.


From this sub-module, the statistics related to the shows created in the account are shown. It should be noted that these analytics will not be shown in the module if the show module is not active.

One of the properties of this submodule is that it does not present the overview, the data of this parameter can be seen in Analytics/Media.

Top Content / Shows

Displays the analytics sorted by show and ordered according to the amount of consumption (stream).

The Stream, Playback Start, Duration and Time Average consumptions are equivalent to all the media contained in the specific show.

Top 10 Episode

Here you can see the consumption per episode within each show, and they are also organized according to the number of streams (they do not refer to a single show).


It classifies the statistics based on the owner of the content (Producer), on the X axis you will see the number of streams for each one, initially you will see the sum of all organized from most to least number of streams, to visualize one just check those you do not want to see. In addition, those shows that are not assigned to a producer are shown as -No Producer-.


With filter


Statistics according to Host classified by host and sorted by number of streams, it only shows the ratio between the Playback Start and the Stream. Here you can see the presenters with more views.


It classifies the analytics based on the most viewed genre, considers the Host for its classification, and like Host, only shows the ratio between Playback Start and Stream.


From this sub-module, you will have access to all statistics regarding the use of platform and should be handled by account administrators if possible, you can apply the search filters according to the data that is required, you will see the following information within the interface.

Current Storage

This statistic is not affected by filters and shows the total storage of the account, including all content that is in the trash, in addition, it indicates the amount of available media (AOD/VOD).

CDN Traffic

Show traffic consumption within the CDN or internal CDNs managed by Mediastream platform, any other external CDN unrelated to these, will not be reflected in this section. The information provided corresponds to the total traffic generated, and separates according to the type of content traffic for each one, these are: Video Live, Video on Demand, Audio Live, Audio on Demand and Statics, the latter includes traffic related to images, thumbs, subtitles, etc.

Top Content

It shows in descending order the traffic (in GB) generated for Live, Medias and Categories, highlighting in a separate section the main categories with the most traffic generated during the filtered period, it is also possible to download a .csv report with the complete information displayed inside the module.


Depending on the search criteria, this will display the storage data of the account, showing again the total storage, the total available media, the storage history, and shows the main categories and content directly related to the categories (Top 20).

Media Transcoding Time

In this section the consumption time for VOD and AOD transcoding is displayed, the report shows the format in HH:MM:SS separating HD content from SD. A bar graphic is also shown indicating the daily process, by hours and by minutes, depending on the filter performed.

Live Transcoding Time

As its name suggests, it shows the transcoding time analytics of live signals, separating SD and HD qualities, as long as the broadcast is performed using the Cloud Transcoding tool available in the Live publishing points, the time format is the same as the one presented in Media Transcoding Time.

If you have any related questions please do not hesitate to write to us through the chat.

Atte. The Mediastream Team

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