Sometimes when platform content is published on free WordPress-based web pages, it should be taken into account when assigning referrers that very possibly the content delivered in the wordpress from platform can be static and its rendering within the site is done in a different page, even more so if this content is delivered to the user by entering with ID and password, so when assigning the referrer in platform and this is direct to the page that has the domain (,, etc), the content will not be displayed producing a 403 error.
To assign the correct referrer we must review the final page of the wordpress domain in the console and check which embed code is delivered, in this one we can notify which domain our material is rendered to assign it as a referrer in platform.
Once assigned, the content will be seamlessly reproduced on the website generated in the free Wordpress account.
It should be noted that this assignment will only be effective, as long as the configuration in wordpress generates the renderings in internal links other than those delivered to the user at the time of creating an account on the domain generator page and loads them as static content on the final web, something that can only be done by checking the console.
If you have any related questions please do not hesitate to write us through the chat.
Atte. The Mediastream Team