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The best way to reuse your VOD content

Miguel Giraldo avatar
Written by Miguel Giraldo
Updated over 2 years ago

Playout is a tool provided to our clients that allows them to generate a live streaming from their VOD content.

To configure a playout we only have to access the module, from here we will have the option to create a new one or configure one already created. To set up a new one, click on "New Playout", the following interface will be displayed:

Configuration according to the interface:

  • Preview: as its name suggests, is a preview of the configured content. To visualize it, the content must be in playing status.

  • Details: This section is divided into different parts which are explained next in detail:

    1. Name: The name you will use to classify your playout in order to identify it.
    2. Description: If you wish to give a short description of the content of the playout.
    3. Loop: When this option is set, once the sequence of videos has finished, it will start again from the first one. This mode can be enabled or disabled (ON/OFF), as required.

    4. Status: This indicates the status of the playout; Playing, Pause and Stop.
    5. Total duration: It will show us the total duration of the playout; this means, it will calculate the total time of the loaded videos.
    6. Remaining Time: it shows the remaining time for the playout to end (without considering the loop)

  • Controls: is used to control the Playout, there are four options available:
    1. Start: This option will start the playback when you click on it.
    2. Pause: Pauses the playback.
    3. Stop and Reset: The playout is stopped and completely reset with this option.
    4. Add Content: It will allow us to add the desired content even when it is still playing.

    To add the desired content, we have to press +Add Content once done, the following screen will be displayed where the desired content can be added, there are 2 different ways to do it, Media and Playlist:

    4.1. Media: If we want to add content from the media module library of the account, in the media tab we will have a box to add the ID or the name of the video we want to use. For example, 5b16a5f99060d107882ebc2f. When we enter the id we press "Add" and the media will be added to our playout. The selected media must have at least one rendition in common.
    4.2. Playlist: If we already have a playlist created in the platform, we only have to go to the tab, select the one we want to use and click Add. Playlists can be created in the media module.

Important Note: Videos added by any of the two methods must be in Published status, otherwise they cannot be added. Additionally, for the correct operation of this module, the videos must be completely processed and with all their renditions operative.

  • Timeline it will show us the list of the added videos in which we will be able to observe the videos that are currently playing, once a video ends, the list will be updated showing only the remaining clips. For example:

Full List

List after playing the first clip

Don't forget to save the changes once made

After setting up everything in the Playout, there is one step left to be able to publish it in a Live signal; you can create a new Live streaming for this purpose or use an existing one, once done, in the Playout section available within the live, select the required playout and activate the Enable checkbox, immediately save the changes so that it will be applied.

As a functionality, when adding a new clip, if the content of the playout is currently playing, the Schedule option will appear in the Add New Content window.

This function allows you to program a new clip over the already configured ones, with the difference that it will interrupt the video that is currently playing at the Start date configured and until the End date, once the playback is finished, the previous clip will start again from the beginning.

I.e: if you have a video without a schedule that ends at 19:30, and you configure another one with a schedule starting at 19:20 without checking the box, the default behavior is to move it to 19:30 to let the previous one end, in this example, checking the option Interrupt content if there is something emitting, the one that was up to 19:30 is interrupted, starting the one configured with a schedule just at 19:20. when this schedule ends, the previous clip will be restarted.

You must consider the duration of the clip configured in this way, if the duration is longer than the previous video, the start and end values are not considered; additionally, this configuration changes the total duration of the playout once the clip configured with the programmed schedule starts, i.e. if the playout had a total duration of 30 minutes, starting from 12:00 to 12:30 and a clip is inserted as a schedule starting at 12:15 with a total duration of 4 minutes, when starting this last one the previous 30 minutes will no longer be reflected in Total Duration and 19 minutes will be shown in this case.

Please note

  1. Mediastream platform does not support playout if an external CDN is active as distribution policy in the live signal.

  2. Playout does not support Ad insertion.

  3. The Playout option works correctly with 9:16 format clips.

  4. Playout does NOT support the Restreaming function.

If you have any related questions please do not hesitate to write us through the chat.

If you do not have this module active, contact your commercial agent to schedule a demonstration.

Atte. Mediastream Team

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