Live Editor Pro
Miguel Giraldo avatar
Written by Miguel Giraldo
Updated over a week ago

This functionality, currently available for live audio signals, allows the Live editor module to make cuts based on the metadata of the programming received from icecast servers.

To make the cuts, simply enter the corresponding signal and validate that the metadata is being received correctly.

Initial settings

Enabling the feature

Initially, the Metadata section of the live signal must be active,

Once verified, the enable checkbox is activated and the Icecast mask is configured with the following rule:

{title} ~ {subtitle} ~ {type} ~ {duration} ~ {extra}

When the process is finished, changes must be saved and it should look like this:

Live Metadata

Go to the Settings>Live Metadata module and proceed to configure the metadata, the type and colors to identify the different contents of the live editor signal, as follows:

  1. Click on the +, this opens a pop-up where we assign the values below:

  • Name: The name by which we want to distinguish the metadata.

  • Type: he name we will assign to the parameter in platform.

  • Color: we assign a specific color from the displayed palette or the hexadecimal code, by default the assigned color is the official Mediastream color.

  • External type: corresponds to the value of the parameter that comes in the xml metadata from icecast and refers to the mask rule mentioned above.

After setting the desired values, the changes are saved and it is assigned into the listing within the submodule.

These values and colors can be edited at any time by clicking on the pencil icon in the Actions tab or, alternatively, they can be deleted.


Go to the Live Editor module and look for the signal in which the feature was activated, once there we can see that the metadata is correctly received, this is displayed on the timeline.

Regular Audio Timeline:

Audio Timeline with Live editor pro active

On the timeline, click on the desired slice (metadata), it will be framed in red,

Once done, click on cut, the clip will be available in the Media clips section.

Additional cuts can be made depending on the requirements, these cuts can be done based on the metadata or, specific cuts as usually done by selecting a space on the timeline, once the process is finished, just indicate +New Media and wait for the usual rendering workflow.

The clip will be available for metadata settings within the media module.

Filtering segments:

The values assigned in Live metadata can be activated or deactivated from the timeline according to requirements, e.g. hide the advertising slots, a specific show, etc, in the timeline you can see a gear icon under the zoom buttons on the left side of the interface.

By clicking on it, a window opens from which you can activate and deactivate the values, when doing so, the changes are saved and the metadata will no longer be visible.


  • Before adjustment

  • Hiding the value of the commercials (commercial break)

Note: Even if the metadata is not displayed, segments will still be loaded into platform and the cuts can be made in the usual way..

If you have any related questions please feel free to write to us via chat.

Atte. The Mediastream Team

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